
Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Rating: 3.5 stars
Length: A bit longer than average but uses space well (381 pages in trade paperback)
Publication: September 2013 from Delacorte books
Premise: David Charleston remembers the day when Steelheart, a powerful Epic who rules the ruins of Chicago, killed his father. Ever since then, he's been learning everything he can about Epics so he can get vengeance for this father. When he finds the Reckoners, an organization devoted to killing the Epics, they agree to let him help
Warnings: a few deaths are on the gritty side, but nothing too dramatic.
Recommendation: If you're looking for a smooth blend of superhero fiction and dystopian adventure, this may be your thing, but fair warning that it's never heard of subtlety. 

Mild spoilers follow, but I'll try to keep them to a minimum. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Author interview: A Vanishing Glow

Earlier this week I posted a review of Alexis Radcliff's A Vanishing Glow. She's been kind enough to offer an interview to dig more into worldbuilding, the writing process, and even offer some advice for self-published authors who are seeking buzz and reviews for their books.

Without further ado, here's Alexis!

Monday, November 2, 2015

A Vanishing Glow

I'm excited to introduce my review for A Vanishing Glow by Alexis Radcliff. The author provided me with a free ebook in exchange for an honest review, and she's also being gracious enough to offer an interview later in the week to talk more about worldbuilding and her writing process. 

Rating: 3.5 stars
Length: Moderately long (343 pages, feels longer in ebook format)
Publication: Self-published via Fatecaster Press October 1, 2015
Premise: In a world ruled by the rising technology of magic turned into mystech crystals, Jason Tern is thrust into political struggle that all his combat experience never prepared him to face. Far across the country, a young engineer finds her resolve and her ideals tested as she plays her own role in unraveling the plot that threatens to destroy them both.
Warnings: graphic physical injury
Recommendation: If you're interested in steampunk, high fantasy, or unconventional sexual mores, this might be for you. There are some grim moments of injury and guilt, but it's to advance the story rather than for cheap horror.